Research Feature: 73 Percent of Millennial Moms Share This Parenting Style

Millennial moms may have more in common than you’d think. Despite all of the back-and-forth on social media, the fights between silky, crunchy and scrunchy moms, almost three-quarters of moms between the ages of 26-41 identified as authoritative parents in a recent survey.

Inclusive Market Research Group (IMRG), a Black woman-led, full-service market research firm, conducted the new survey. It recorded the responses of more than 550 moms nationwide in an attempt to provide a comprehensive understanding of their unique challenges, triumphs and evolving parenting approaches.

Researchers first explored the ways millennial mothers are raising their children compared to their own upbringing. Only 16 percent of Black women and 10 percent of white women said they are raising their children similarly to how they were raised. In comparison, 25-26 percent of respondents overall said they were raising their children in a completely different way.

Read more at The Bump.


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